Twine Tasting - Your Guide to Seattle Restaurants by Tori T

Are you overwhelmed by all the restaurant choices in Seattle? Let me help you find interesting places to eat! My food blog, Twine Tasting is available on Instagram, TikTok, and soon, YouTube and a brand-new website with deeper dives into Seattle’s restaurants, culinary pop-ups, and suggestions for several types of occasions.

I started Twine Tasting in late 2023, at my now-fiance’s suggestion. We take lots of pictures of the food we eat and places we go already, so why not compile them into a blog? I was feeling creatively stuck at the time, so this blog has been a fun and challenging creative outlet for me that also supports local business owners and the greater Seattle community.

While I’ve done a handful of collaborations, 99% of the posts are from outings I’ve paid for out of pocket. I prefer paying for my own food so I can give an honest review of the experience.

Click below to see my latest Instagram posts, and stay tuned for the Twine Tasting website launch this winter! Don’t worry, my photography portfolio on this site isn’t going anywhere. In fact, I’ve just added new photos to the People and Places sections that you should check out. :-)

New Feature Story on REI's Uncommon Path by Tori T

Working in internal communications, most of my writing happens behind the scenes for employees to read. I'm thrilled to share that my first public-facing story for REI’s Uncommon Path publication is now live! Ever Meister and I interviewed Bradlee Thielen, designer of the co-op's Pride Month apparel collection.

Check out the story and the new line of products available at REI. Many thanks to Ever, Bradlee, and the Uncommon Path team for this cool "mixternal" (internal + external comms) collaboration opportunity. This was a fun one!